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MELISSA (PURE) (Melissa officinalis)

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Price £22.95 inc. VAT
Code: 43

Melissa Pure (Melissa officinalis)

Location: Melissa grows mainly in France and Spain.

Extraction: Steam distilled from the leaves and flowers.

Colour and Odour: The essential oil is pale yellow in colour and has a delightful, crisp, lemony aroma with a sweet undertone.

Description: A small herb growing to about 60cm with bright green, serrated, slightly wrinkled leaves and yellowish-white flowers.

Background: Medicinally important in Europe since medieval times, Melissa was considered the "elixir of life". It was included in the preparation of a tonic water made in the fourteenth century by the Carmelite nuns in France. Melissa flowers are very attractive to bees, and Melissa honey has been prized since ancient times.

Properties: Tonic, sedative, calming, antidepressant, calmative, hypotensive. The yield is extremely low and the genuine oil is very expensive. Consequently , most Melissa oil sold commercially is blended with other essential oils.


Circulatory system-A tonic for the heart, slowing its action, can help relieve palpitations and lower blood pressure.

Respiratory System-Useful for colds and flu.

Nervous System-A strong sedative in cases of panic or anxiety.

Skin- Excellent in treating cold sores.

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MELISSA (PURE) (Melissa officinalis)

MELISSA (PURE) (Melissa officinalis)
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